Spring is in the Air Challenge - CHALLENGE NOW CLOSED

The lucky Winner of our 'Spring is in the Air' Challenge is .........

Congratulations Hazel, please email laura@thatscrafty.co.uk
to claim your £20 voucher and Winners badge. 
Our Top 3 (in no particular order):

Congratulations and please feel free to take our Top 3 badge here.  

Thank you for all your entries for our last challenge. Our current challenge theme is 'Spring is in the Air' and your projects must contain something that is Spring related. It can be Spring colours, flowers, animals etc. but we must be able to see some relation to Spring in your projects please. This Challenge runs until 7.55am on Friday 16th May.

The winner of the Challenge will receive a £20 voucher to spend in our online shop.

Please make sure to read our Challenge Rules before entering. 

We have some fab projects from our very talented Design Team.






Craftychris said...

Stunning spring projects! What a lovely theme! xx

Margie said...

Your link doesn't seem to be working at the minute. I'll try again later.

Sue said...

Such a gorgeous selection of creations from the DT, thank you for a fabulous challenge.
Sue xx

Words and Pictures said...

What a lovely theme (right up my street at the moment!) and fabulous inspiration from the team. Will be hopping round for a closer look shortly!
Alison x

Karen P said...

Thank you for sharing the gorgeous inspirations with us and a great challenge too Karen x

Words and Pictures said...

Is anyone else having trouble accessing the TC shop?
Alison x

kbrandy4 said...

Thank you so much for drawing my name as the lucky winner and congrats to the Top 3!
Hugs, Hazel xx

Sam K said...

Congrats all :) Thank you so much for picking my card as a top three xx

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