Steampunk Surprise Challenge - CHALLENGE NOW CLOSED

The lucky winner of our Steampunk Surprise Challenge is:

Congratulations Mini, please email laura@thatscrafty.co.uk
to claim your £20 voucher and Winners badge. 
Our Top 3 (in no particular order): 
Congratulations to our Top 3, please take your Top 3 badge here. 

Thank you very much for all your entries in our Let's Keep It Simple Challenge. The Winner will be picked on Monday 11th May 2015, so please check to see if you are our lucky Winner.

For our new Challenge, we would like to see your best Steampunk creations please. This Challenge will run until 7.55am on Friday 22nd May 2015.

The winner of the Challenge will receive a £20 voucher to spend in our online store.

Please make sure to read our Challenge Rules before entering.    

We have some fabulous projects from our Design Team to inspire you.





Unknown said...

Oh ek I've never tried steam punk! Not sure I even have anything in my stash suitable hmm I may have to brain storm lol x

Inkypinkycraft said...

great inspiration x

Karen P said...

I didn't expect to take part in this one as it's a topic I have never tried before! Thank you for the fabulous inspiration and for pushing out of my usual zone!!! Karen

Croms' Cubby Hole said...

Thank you for a fab challenge. Loving the DT makes

JansArtyJunk said...

You have taken me out of my comifity zone..I don't usually create much steampunk! Fun challenge and fab inspiration from the DT team :)

Karen P said...

Just wanted to say thank you again - this challenge inspired me to get out my Steampunk mask and use it along with my one Steampunk stamp too, and I had great fun getting messy Karen x

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