Stencils and Masks Challenge - CHALLENGE NOW CLOSED

The lucky winner of our Stencils and Masks Challenge is:


Congratulations Island Papercrafts, please email laura@thatscrafty.co.uk
to claim your £20 voucher and Winners badge. 
Our Top 3 (in no particular order): 

Congratulations to our Top 3, please take your Top 3 badge here.  

Thank you very much for all your entries in our Wish Upon a Star Challenge. The Winner will be picked on Monday 27th July 2015, so please check to see if you are our lucky Winner.

This week, we launched our own range of stencils, so this Challenge theme was a no brainer really!

We'd like to see stencils, masks or templates feature heavily in your projects please. This Challenge will run until 7.55am on Friday 31st July 2015.

The winner of the Challenge will receive a £20 voucher to spend in our online store.

 Please read our Challenge Rules before entering.  

Our brilliant Design Team have been showcasing our new stencils all week on our DT blog with some really fantastic projects and there are more fab projects below.


Sketching with Dogs said...

Looking forward to the challenge. There is lots of inspiration there!

craftytrog said...

Stunning inspiration ladies! xxx

Karen P said...

Thanks for a great challenge and awesome DT inspirations, welcome to all the newbie ladies I am looking forward to seeing more of your lovely creations in future Karen

Craftychris said...

Fabulous DT projects! xxx

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