Bright! Challenge - CHALLENGE NOW CLOSED

The Lucky winner of our Bright! Challenge is:

Congratulations Billie A, please email laura@thatscrafty.co.uk 
to claim your £20 voucher and Winners badge. 

Our Top 3 (in no particular order):

 9. Another challenge

 1. Katrina Bufton

Congratulations to our Top 3, please take your Top 3 badge here.

Thank you very much for all your entries in our Outnumbered challenge. 

The Winner will be picked on Tuesday 2nd May, so please check to see if you are our lucky Winner.

For this challenge, we only have one requirement - your entries need to be bright please!

Please note that this Challenge will run for 2 weeks until 7.55am on Friday 12th May 2017.

The winner of the Challenge will receive a £20 voucher to spend in our online store.

Please read our Challenge Rules before entering.

We have some fantastic projects from our DT to inspire you


Karen P said...

Thanks for another fun challenge, wonderful inspirations from all of the Design Team too Karen x

craftytrog said...

Beautiful bright creations and a great theme!
Alison xxx

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

Wow! I love the bright and colourful inspiration by the DT, thank you. Crafty hugs, Sandra x

Words and Pictures said...

Fab brights from the whole team - I'll be round soon if I haven't been already!
Alison x

Sid said...

Fab Theme and super entries !

Billie A said...

Thank you for picking my card as a winner for the Bright challenge. I emailed you.. Congratulations to the other winners.
Thank you to the DT for the inspiration.

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