The lucky winner of our Fly Away Challenge is:

Congratulations Jo, please email laura@thatscrafty.co.uk 
to claim your £20 voucher and Winners badge. 

Our Top 3 (in no particular order):

Congratulations to our Top 3, please take your Top 3 badge here.

Thank you very much to everyone that entered our Rustica Challenge. 

The Winner will be picked on Monday 18th September, so please check to see if you are our lucky Winner.

We would like your entries for this challenge to feature wings of any kind on them please.

This Challenge will run for 2 weeks until 7.55am on Friday 29th September 2017.

The winner of the Challenge will receive a £20 voucher to spend in our online store.

Please read our Challenge Rules before entering.

We've some fantastic projects from our wonderful DT to inspire you


Melina Dahl Minas kreativa said...

Absolutely stunning creations teamies! 😍👍

Inky and Quirky Designs said...

You've beat me to it Melina!! Yes stunning creations for this theme everyone :)
Donna xx

Karen P said...

Thank you for the fun challenge and beautiful DT inspirations too Karen x

Craftychris said...

Wonderful DT projects! Fab challenge - am pleased to join in! xxx

Karen P said...

Thank you so much lovely ladies! Your projects always inspire me and I feel very blessed when you pick one of mine to be Top 3!! Have a lovely week Karen x

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