Green with Envy Challenge - CHALLENGE NOW CLOSED

The lucky winner of our Green with Envy Challenge is:

Congratulations kbrandy4 please email laura@thatscrafty.co.uk 
to claim your £20 voucher and Winners badge. 

Our Top 3 (in no particular order):

 18. Sharon

 10. Sandy C's Creative Space

Congratulations to our Top 3, please take your Top 3 badge here.

Thank you very much to everyone that entered our Stencil It! Challenge. 

The Winner will be picked on Monday 27th November, so please check to see if you are our lucky Winner.

Our only stipulation for this challenge is that green must be the main colour in your projects please.

This Challenge will run for 2 weeks until 7.55am on Friday 8th December 2017.

The winner of the Challenge will receive a £20 voucher to spend in our online store.

Please read our Challenge Rules before entering.

As always, we've some fantastic projects from our DT to inspire you


Inky and Quirky Designs said...

Fantastic inspirational creations once more lovely teamies :)
Donna xx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Great take on the *Green with Envy* Theme.. Good Luck in the Challenge everyone..
Warm Hugs Tracey xx

Suzi McKenzie said...

Gorgeous inspiration from the Design Team xxx
I've added my project, Hope it's Green enough, If not i understand if you feel you have to delete it.

Karen P said...

Fabulous inspirations from the team and thanks for the challenge Karen x

Craftychris said...

Gorgeous DT inspiration! I love green so had to join in! xxx

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